uniqueness tribal sasak in Lombok

In Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, there are some villages still maintaining the life of the original tribe, Sasak Tribe. Sade Village is one of them, as it can be spotted from their tribe houses.

Sasak houses are called Bale Tani. Here, all houses are still roofed by palm leaves, walled by bamboo knitting, as well as the most unique part is that the floors are often cleaned by buffalo manure.

"The unique part is that since it is made of buffalo dung, the house became warmer during the rainy season. On the other hand, during summer the house was cooler. Mosquitoes are also gone," explained the tourist guide in Sade Village, Central Lombok, when met by Metrotvnews.com.
To eliminate the smell of the manure, locals mixed hibiscus, clay, as well as fresh manure.

The Sasak tribal houses are shaped in oval-like mountain on the roofs, as the rooms are divided to Inan Bale (main room), Bale Luar (bedroom) and Bale Dalem - usually used to keep their belongings, birth place or to place dead bodies prior to a funeral.

One Sasak tribal house usually hosts six to seven people

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