Lawang Sewu, Historic Holiday Destination in Semarang city

When you take holiday in Semarang city, Central Java, don't forget to visit Lawang Sewu. It is a historic building owned by Indonesian Railway.

To reach Lawang Sewu, you can use tourist train from Ambarawa to Tuntang which cost RP50 thousand for each person.

In this holiday season, many tourists from other cities like Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bandung and Surabaya visit Lawang Sewu. The entrance fee is Rp10 thousand for adult and Rp5 thousand for children.

Indonesian Railways recorded around 10 thousand tourists visit Lawang Sewu per day during this Christmas holiday.

"Especially on Sunday, the last day of the holiday," said Indonesian Railway's Museum Head Sapto Hartoyo in Lawang Sewu, Saturday (12/26/2015).

One visitor from Bandung, Mia, said she was mesmerized by the two storey building. "I come here because i am curious. Now the building has been renovated. It is not scary anymore," she said.

Lawang Sewu, which is a Javanese for building with thousand doors, previously was headquarter for Dutch East Indies Railway Company or Nederlands Indische Spoorweg Maatscappij (NIS). It was built from 1904 until 1907. Local people called it Lawang Sewu because it has a lot of doors.

During Indonesia's Independence War, the building became battlefield between Indonesian youth and Japanese soldiers.

Semarang Municipality Government has enlisted Lawang Sewu as cultural heritage of the city which is protected by law.

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