Ngurtafur Beach Kei Islands, Southeast Maluku Beautiful in the World

Talking about the natural beauty of eastern Indonesia is never-ending. Maluku is a province that offers a lot of natural beauty. One is located on the beach Ngurtafur Kei Islands, Southeast Maluku.

This beach has a natural beauty that is quite exotic. In addition, the beach this one also has features that are not found in other beaches that expanse of white sand and extends along 2 kilometers off the island of Warbal towards the sea with a width of approximately 7 meters.

And when the searcher is in this Ngurtafur Beach, then searchers as if - as if they have ongoing middle of the vast ocean when in fact just walking on the white sand that divides the beach into two sides of the right and left. Not only that, the sea water in Ngurtafur beach is also very clean and blue.
On the beach Ngurtafur, searchers can see leatherback turtles or better known by the name "Tabob" by local communities. The turtles that are there are rare and even protected by the organization WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). And if you're lucky, the searcher can also see flocks of Pelicans migrating from Australia to the Moluccas.

Pulau Warbal, Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara,+Warbal,+Kei+Kecil+Bar.,+Maluku+Tenggara,+Indonesia/@-5.8952046,132.271567,95542m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x2d2ff8dce40fb9a3:0xc2b7ecbf80169005

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