Raja Ampat Island

Raja Ampat Papua are a truly beautiful paradise which is located off the northwest tip of of New Guinea, in Indonesia’s West Papua province. Raja Ampat which translates literally  as, ‘the Four Kings’, is an archipelago made up of over 1,500 small islands, surrounding the four main islands of Misool, Salawati, Batanta and Waigeo. The Raja Ampat Islands encompasses more than 40,000 km² of land and sea, which also contains Cenderawasih Bay, the largest marine national park in Indonesia.

Due to the remoteness of the Raja Ampat islands, the area is relatively undisturbed by humans, which is a reason for such untouched beauty. The main reasons that people visit the region is, as you would have already guessed, diving.  The diving here is considered to be some of the best in the world with the waters surrounding the Raja  Ampat Islands consisting of 1,309 fish species and 537 coral species, the region really is a mecca for diving. It is a well rounded scientific belief that the marine life diversity in the Raja Ampat area is the highest recorded on Earth. Some areas boast enormous schools of fish and regular sightings of sharks, such as wobbegongs

It is not just under the water  where you will be left speechless from the sheer beauty of this region but you will find it to be just as stunningly beautiful above the water. There are many unique floras in the islands and the existence of many endemic animals (like, spotted couscous, the yellow-crested cockatoos, parakeets, frogs and snakes) can make hiking on land just as rewarding as snorkeling in the water.

These islands are truly a must see for every lover of tropical beach getaways and after one visit you will soon discover that there are not too many other tropical beaches that can live up to the stunning untouched beauty that the Raja Ampat Islands have to offer. There are a few different dive liveaboard boats as well as some high end resorts in this region, but remember it is a little off the beaten track so you may find it a little more expensive than other places in Indonesia.

The easiest way to get to Raja Ampat is to fly to Sorong via Jakarta or Singapore. Domestic travelers can also fly via Makassar or Manado. From Sorong, you can catch speed ferries to the four major islands in the area.


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Borobudur Temple

Borobudur temple is a temple which became a pride of Indonesian people because it is ever been included into the 7 wonders of the world. It also becomes the largest Buddhist temple in the world. This temple is located in Borobudur Village, Magelang, Central of Java, Indonesia. It is approximately 100 km from Semarang, 86 km from Surakarta, and 40 km from Jogjakarta. It was found as a place of worship for the Mahayana Buddhist by Sailendra dynasty in 800 AD. It was first discovered by Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles in 1814. At that time, it was found crushed and buried in the ground.
Originally, it has 10 levels which have overall height about 42 meters. However, after the reparation, the height of Borobudur become approximately 34.5 meters with overall building area about 15,129 m2. The front side of Borobudur temple is facing eastwards, although each side of the temple has similar form. There are 3 main levels of the realm in Borobudur. The third level is Kamadhatu (the realm of lust), Rupadhatu (tangible realm), and Arupadhatu (formless realm).
There are so many reliefs on Borobudur’s wall which total is about 1,460 panels. These reliefs tell about ancient stories written In Sanskrit language and read by Mapradakisana way. Mapradakisana is a way to read in accordance with the clockwise direction. The way to read the story is starting from the east side of the gate at every level of the temple. There are so many stories written on Borobudur’s wall. The first story on this relief is Karmawibhangga which written on the foot of this temple. It tells about karma. Karma is the law of cause and effect obtained by humans. This relief depicts human actions both reprehensible and commendable along with what will they have. The next relief is Laitawistara. These reliefs lined in the stairs on the south side of temple. The numbers of this relief are 120 figures which illustrate the story of the Buddha from birth to become a Buddhist. And then last are Jataka and Awadana relief. This relief tells the story about Buddha before he was born.
Besides decorated with reliefs, Borobudur also has so many sculptures which become a symbol of the Buddha embodiment. The statues are sitting cross-legged in the lotus position and show a certain hand gesture. These are located at Rupadhatu level. There are 432 sculptures there which are lined sequentially in every niche of this level. In the first row, there are 104 niches, in the second row there are 104 niches, in third row 88 niches, in the fourth row 72 niches, and fifth rows 64 niches. Beside sculpture, Borobudur temple also has Stupa. There are 72 Stupas at the level of Aruphadatu. Those stupas are spread in the court at this stage. In the first court, there are 32 stupas, in the second court 24 stupas, and 16 stupas on the third court.
Since the discovery of Borobudur temple, there are so many Buddhist statues theft. Originally, the amount of Buddha statues is 504 statues. More than 300 statues have been damaged. Most of the statues of Buddha are headless because often being stolen to be used in a museum collection.

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Kuta Beach

Kuta Beach Bali is located on the western side of the island's narrow isthmus and is considered Bali's most famous beach resort destination. Kuta Beach is also minutes away from the Ngurah Rai International Airport in Tuban. The nearby resorts of Tuban, Legian and Seminyak are all within close walking distance.

Once a simple, rustic and quiet fishing village, Kuta Beach has witnessed a transformation over the past years due to the rise of various accommodations, dining and shopping options. The rapid growth owes much to visitors, beachcombers and art lovers from nearby Australia. Expatriates also helped pioneer surfing in Kuta, as well.

Although a rather frenzied traffic scene has become commonplace here, Kuta Beach continues to attract thousands of visitors every year with its unique charm. During the peak season from July to August and the holiday season for Christmas and New Year, Kuta Beach is regularly fully-booked by travellers looking forward to a pleasant and affordable Bali Island escape.

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