Rafting Ayung River in Bali Island

As you carve through some of Bali’s most appealing landscape, the Ayung River provides a thrill that begins the moment you push of from the riverbanks. As you switch between Class I and II rapids, you will wind through deep valleys with cascading waterfalls and towering cliffs of prehistoric significance.

On the more leisurely stretches through tropical forests you will see Hindu shrines that are brightly decorated on ceremonial days of prayer. Just as you think it is all coming to an end, the unpredictable Ayung River propels your raft into yet another rapid.
Sobek’s two hour, visually spectacular rafting trip down the Ayung River is made even more enjoyable and comfortable by the brand new industry leading, safety approved equipment.

Sobek’s well trained guides and welcoming operational staff, make your trip the most memorable and enjoyable trip possible. Huge fun and great adventure with SOBEK on the Ayung River.
This adventure for guests of all ages is a mix of wild excitement, breath taking views and well guided, informative, sightseeing.

Trip Duration
Preparation : 0.5 hours
Rafting : 1,5 - 2 hours
Lunch, shower, change clothes : 0.5 - 1 hour

What to wear
Shorts or swimming gear
T-shirt Sport shoes/sandals
Hat & sunscreen recommended & a change of clothing.

We have clean and well maintained showering and changing facilities complete with fresh towels.

Adult USD 79 
Children (7-15 years) USD 52

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Dieng plateau Wonosobo Central Java Indonesian

Telaga Warna lake

The iconic tourist destination of Wonosobo is the Dieng plateau, an active multi-crater volcanic towering at 2,000 meters
Besides offering a vast and beautiful area for trekkers to roam around, the plateau is also home to the ancient Dieng temple complex thought to have been built in the seventh century.
The plateau is also home to a museum offering information on the geological and archaeological studies of Dieng.
Mount Sindoro complex and Sumbing

Dieng Plateau is a marshy plateau that forms the floor of a caldera complex on the Dieng Volcanic Complex near Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia.
Referred to as Dieng by Indonesians, it sits at 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) above sea level, far from major population centres. The name "Dieng" comes from Di Hyang which means "Abode of the Gods"
The complex of Hindu temples

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Ngurtafur Beach Kei Islands, Southeast Maluku Beautiful in the World

Talking about the natural beauty of eastern Indonesia is never-ending. Maluku is a province that offers a lot of natural beauty. One is located on the beach Ngurtafur Kei Islands, Southeast Maluku.

This beach has a natural beauty that is quite exotic. In addition, the beach this one also has features that are not found in other beaches that expanse of white sand and extends along 2 kilometers off the island of Warbal towards the sea with a width of approximately 7 meters.

And when the searcher is in this Ngurtafur Beach, then searchers as if - as if they have ongoing middle of the vast ocean when in fact just walking on the white sand that divides the beach into two sides of the right and left. Not only that, the sea water in Ngurtafur beach is also very clean and blue.
On the beach Ngurtafur, searchers can see leatherback turtles or better known by the name "Tabob" by local communities. The turtles that are there are rare and even protected by the organization WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). And if you're lucky, the searcher can also see flocks of Pelicans migrating from Australia to the Moluccas.

Pulau Warbal, Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara

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Lawang Sewu, Historic Holiday Destination in Semarang city

When you take holiday in Semarang city, Central Java, don't forget to visit Lawang Sewu. It is a historic building owned by Indonesian Railway.

To reach Lawang Sewu, you can use tourist train from Ambarawa to Tuntang which cost RP50 thousand for each person.

In this holiday season, many tourists from other cities like Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bandung and Surabaya visit Lawang Sewu. The entrance fee is Rp10 thousand for adult and Rp5 thousand for children.

Indonesian Railways recorded around 10 thousand tourists visit Lawang Sewu per day during this Christmas holiday.

"Especially on Sunday, the last day of the holiday," said Indonesian Railway's Museum Head Sapto Hartoyo in Lawang Sewu, Saturday (12/26/2015).

One visitor from Bandung, Mia, said she was mesmerized by the two storey building. "I come here because i am curious. Now the building has been renovated. It is not scary anymore," she said.

Lawang Sewu, which is a Javanese for building with thousand doors, previously was headquarter for Dutch East Indies Railway Company or Nederlands Indische Spoorweg Maatscappij (NIS). It was built from 1904 until 1907. Local people called it Lawang Sewu because it has a lot of doors.

During Indonesia's Independence War, the building became battlefield between Indonesian youth and Japanese soldiers.

Semarang Municipality Government has enlisted Lawang Sewu as cultural heritage of the city which is protected by law.

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CX Hostel Kuta Raya

CX Hostel Kuta Raya

Jl. Kuta Raya No. 82, Kuta Bali
Number of rooms 52

US$ 11

 distance from Kuta beach 5 KM

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uniqueness tribal sasak in Lombok

In Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, there are some villages still maintaining the life of the original tribe, Sasak Tribe. Sade Village is one of them, as it can be spotted from their tribe houses.

Sasak houses are called Bale Tani. Here, all houses are still roofed by palm leaves, walled by bamboo knitting, as well as the most unique part is that the floors are often cleaned by buffalo manure.

"The unique part is that since it is made of buffalo dung, the house became warmer during the rainy season. On the other hand, during summer the house was cooler. Mosquitoes are also gone," explained the tourist guide in Sade Village, Central Lombok, when met by Metrotvnews.com.
To eliminate the smell of the manure, locals mixed hibiscus, clay, as well as fresh manure.

The Sasak tribal houses are shaped in oval-like mountain on the roofs, as the rooms are divided to Inan Bale (main room), Bale Luar (bedroom) and Bale Dalem - usually used to keep their belongings, birth place or to place dead bodies prior to a funeral.

One Sasak tribal house usually hosts six to seven people

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Bamboo Forest Tourism in Lumajang East java

People in Indonesia do not need to go abroad to enjoy bamboo forest. At Boon Pring Andeman Tourism Park in Malang, East Java, they could find beautiful bamboo forest.

The 25 hectare park is located around hills. It collects many bamboo variants including Petung, Black Petung, Apus, Tutul, Ampel, Wulung, Kuning, Pagar, Budha, Amplex, Embong and Angus Tifolis.

People can also find a lake in the middle of the park. they could rent duck paddle boat to go across the lake which cost only Rp10,000 for two people.

In the middle of the park, visitors can also enjoy. They could rent duck paddle boat to go across the lake.

"The boat could be used for 20 minutes,"said Boon Pring Andeman Tourism Park staff Suyitno.
The park is relatively easy to reach from Malang city. The location is not far from the Jin Pondok Bihaaru Bahri Mosque, which is a famous landmark in Sananrejo village, Turen district, Malang regency.


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Bali Recognized as the Best Island in the World

The beauty of Bali is undeniable. The Island of Gods was recently named as one of the world's best island in 2015 by Travel+Leisure Magazine.

Bali was placed on the second best island, with the score of 88.98. Galapagos island, located in Ecuador, was placed on top of the list with 90.82.

Both islands are always listed within the 10 best islands for 10 years in a row. Therefore they earned Hall of Fame title.
 Other islands listed were Maui and Kauai in Hawaii. Both earned Super Hall of Fame title because they are always listed for 20 years.
 The Maldives, followed Galapagos and Bali in the third position.

Two tourist objects in Australia,, Tasmania and the Great Barrier Reef, were fourth and ninth respectively.

Meanwhile, Santorini island in Greece were fifth, followed by Moorea island in southern France in sixth

The list completed with Malta island in tenth position.

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